Why Should You Sign Your Email

Mar 11, 2020

The email signature is a small text at the end of your email correspondence. If email correspondence is business to you, then you should consider signing your email.

A professionally signed email will help you develop your business relationship and here are some obvious reasons:

  • It looks professional.
  • Represents your brand and reflects the tone of your organization.
  • Increases trust because there's a logo or a picture of you.
  • Helps the reader verify identity based on contact information
  • Provides additional information such as links to your website or promotional offers.

What should you consider when creating a signature for emails?

  • Avoid overly long signatures. Remember, this is not a promotional booklet.
  • Carefully choose the contact details you provide, as they will form the basis of the reader's opinion about you.
  • Do not duplicate your email in your signature
  • Avoid spelling and grammatical errors
  • Think about your photo, you should look business-like in it.
  • Choose a simple and concise design
  • Place only actual promo offers
  • Make your signature adaptable to mobile devices

Good luck with your business correspondence!